Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blog Critique

The commentary posed by the mother of a teenager of a pretentious sexual assault or seduction in the Austin Statesman seemed to be reaching out to families. She starts by supplying us with a story in the news of sexual exploitation of children and then one of her own personal experience. Mothers and Fathers of teenage girls or boys were targeted to touch on their emotional feelings. She used her personal experience with great use of adjectives to get the parents to feel her anger and hopefully enrage them as well.
 The author is credible in her commentary for she is a mother first and foremost, and then one of a teenage girl. This in itself is credible for teenage girls have been a target of sexual assault in the United States. The author is asking those mothers and fathers to get involved and join the crusade to rid our communities of these predators. She points out a physician had been sexually assaulting or exploiting young girls and boys through his practice.
 Americans trust our medical professions and expect caring and nurturing healthcare. She stated that nothing came of the complaint to the authorities but did however emphasize that the details have been memorialized and proceeding complaints can pose to possibly bring about charges. The parents in the case of the physician listed in the article refused to provide information that could aid in charges against the  physician. When parents refuse to do what it takes to protect their children by refusing to comply with the prosecuting authorities, tells predators that it is okay to abuse our children. I definitely agree with her for I too am a parent. Not only am I a parent, but I care a lot for children and sexually exposing, seducing, or assaulting them is immoral and against the law.  

PresenceIconMs. Anderson

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