Sunday, March 7, 2010

Nuclear Power Plant in U.S.

The opinion section of the Houston Chronicle, the idea of issuing a stimulus for nuclear power plants in America focuses on the benefit of the implementation. Society screams constantly about global warming and going green. But when the issue of developing a nuclear power plant surfaces we tend to divert to a budget issue to reject the idea. Yes we are in a deficit. But using that as an excuse to alleviate spending for good sources is ridiculous. We tend to raise issues of health concerns and looking to government to find ways of improvement. Nuclear power is step one if we want to save our lungs from the mere depression of polluted air. Whether it is by going green on other aspects of our culture, or developing a plant that will allow for overall savings and prevention in the future, all of it cost money. Obama's plan to implement nuclear power plants is brilliant idea although very expensive to build but will prove to be very cheap to operate ending in more profitability than loss. Now we question safety. As opposed to previous operations safety has increased and the likelihood of individuals dying of nuclear power generation is less than that of natural gas.  The fuel produced can be reprocessed and allow for less waste thereby being reasonably affordable. Expensive?, maybe; but we should keep in mind that the use of the fuel source to create nuclear power is cheaper than that of oil for natural gas and it can produce more energy. If we keep screaming "go green" then we should also start screaming for support of nuclear power plants.

PresenceIconMs. Anderson

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