Friday, May 14, 2010

Props to Arizona

Props to Arizona state that it believes the State of Arizona is doing the right thing with its immigration law. I agree that, "It isn't fair for illegal immigrants to come to our country and try to get as many benefits as possible, when there are other immigrants doing it legally." Also being illegal leads to no jobs and more crimes. The American citizens would then be bombarded with taxes to provide for the illegal citizens even with deportation. There are plenty U.S citizens who have acquired their citizenships legally and worked very hard to do so. It would be very unfair to allow illegal immigrants to reside here without having to follow the procedures as other foreigners.
Arizona should do what it takes to be fair to their citizens who have worked hard to be legal and deserves to be safe when having done so. This protection has been sworn upon the U.S. citizens and seeking it is highly enforced. If the immigrants want to be American citizens you would think they could appreciate that fact. What is the problem with Identify your citizenship if you belong here? I understand and agree that the law can be determined as racial profiling and disagree with its verification tactics, but it lures me to think I would rather be profiled and know that I am legal, than to use one law to overlook another.  What type of citizen would you be as a manipulator of the law? In agreement with Brooke Christensen and "Props to Arizona," the illegal immigrants should be proud to have the opportunity to "show they did it the right way."

PresenceIconMs. Anderson

Monday, May 10, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law

Attorney General Eric Holder stated in the article at, that he intends to file a lawsuit against Arizona's Immigration Law. Arizona as with many other states have been experiencing the wrath of fed up Mexicans running from the poverty stricken lifestyles of Mexico. The immigrants have come to the U.S. to find a better way of life but faces an even bigger problem of no being able to find jobs due to their illegal status'. With this they have turned to crime for survival and have upset the state of Arizona. The U.S. have always protected its citizens from crime and intend to continue doing so.
The state of Arizona feel that in order to alleviate the amount of crime conducted by the immigrants a law has to be put in place. With this law, officers are allowed to I.D. anyone they suspect to be illegal immigrants. We all know that in order to do that, an individual would have to have some characteristics of a Mexican. Otherwise they would have to commit a crime. Committing a crime or doing something illegal is the one sure way to find out if they are legal or not.
I must admit that I feel a bit mugwomped, because the the law is actually needed but it also can be considered a form of harassment. The idea was to allow officers of the law to I.D. anyone they suspected to be in the states illegally. The problem with this idea is that it may lead to racial profiling because if an individual is innocently acting they may have to face an officer asking for identification due to their apparent resemblance of one with Mexican decent but immigrants also know that is illegal to reside in America without citizenship. However there are ways to go about it than the law implemented. As stated by many, "this is and can be an act of civil rights's violation." The attorney's actions on filing suit is well within reason for I too feel that racial profiling is imminent.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

"Dear Government, can I leave my house today?"

Dear Author,
I definitely understand your take on abortion and women rights in your blog "Dear Government, can I leave my house today?" posted in A Citizen's Post and must say that I agree with some of what was stated. This is a very controversial and touchy subject for me so I will not agree or disagree with the government's take on abortion. Therefore, I have decided to actually comment on the writing itself as too the validity of the argument and your ability to reach an array of readers.
 Although there were many expressions of disagreement; there was no evidence as to why you feel the way you do besides maybe; personal feelings. I feel that there was no embedded link within the article to support what decides your take on the infringement of women's rights. What make you think that the government is trying to control your body if they are trying to protect the life of another? That is a question I would like to gain the answer to. Your explanation of a citizen's right to privacy was highly demonstrated but with a very biased attitude with an emotional feel the audience can immediately pick up on.
Reading your statements, it appeared that your experience in life which is one of a personal aspect reflected in the voice of the writing. The audience should be allowed to understand your angle with documented proof of the governments affect on an individual's life when mandating a law to hinder the right to privacy. An added link to Roe vs. Wade could help to support your argument. Too help assure or maintain your audience's attention, your blog should also be edited before posting. There are a few punctuation errors, fragments, and run on sentences that can be distracting may take away the audience's focus. Overall it was a good post and I can clearly pick up your voice on citizen's rights.

PresenceIconMs. Anderson

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Medicinal Marijuana

The US national government has decided to allow the use of Marijuana for medicinal purposes in several states. Many argue that this would lead to overuse or abuse and would be easily feasible for children to obtain. In reality children are more able to obtain it now than it would be if there were taxes placed on it and a medical ID for purchase. Legalizing a drug it is a very difficult thing to advocate, but when evaluating the pros and cons of the drug it seems less harmful than the legal use of alcohol. Alcohol causes poisoning of the body or disease of the liver which could lead to death. As far as I know there has never been marijuana related death unless it was a drug deal gone wrong.
In retrospect, yes, the drug cartel may increase its production and trafficking of the drug which it does already and many are more interested in the most profitable drug (cocaine).  Many will try and abuse the drug but as long as the government does what it can in eliminating that abuse it would likely not prove to be as major as that of the cocaine industry. The cause we should be focusing on the most dangerous drugs than a drug producing a lesser effect. The US has wasted millions of dollars on convicting those in possession of marijuana when the funds should be used on building more drug task forces to eliminate the trafficking of more dangerous and lethal drugs.  I find it extremely ridiculous to keep fighting the legalization of marijuana and placing criminal penalty on those caught with it for it is causing taxpayers too much money. To fight a cause that in reality doesn't lead to death, overdose, or poisoning of the body like many other legal drugs do is ridiculous. We should evaluate the positive effects of medicinal marijuana on pain in those with pianful illnesses and diseases. If it were the family of those protesting it, their outlook may be different.

PresenceIconMs. Anderson

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blog Critique

The commentary posed by the mother of a teenager of a pretentious sexual assault or seduction in the Austin Statesman seemed to be reaching out to families. She starts by supplying us with a story in the news of sexual exploitation of children and then one of her own personal experience. Mothers and Fathers of teenage girls or boys were targeted to touch on their emotional feelings. She used her personal experience with great use of adjectives to get the parents to feel her anger and hopefully enrage them as well.
 The author is credible in her commentary for she is a mother first and foremost, and then one of a teenage girl. This in itself is credible for teenage girls have been a target of sexual assault in the United States. The author is asking those mothers and fathers to get involved and join the crusade to rid our communities of these predators. She points out a physician had been sexually assaulting or exploiting young girls and boys through his practice.
 Americans trust our medical professions and expect caring and nurturing healthcare. She stated that nothing came of the complaint to the authorities but did however emphasize that the details have been memorialized and proceeding complaints can pose to possibly bring about charges. The parents in the case of the physician listed in the article refused to provide information that could aid in charges against the  physician. When parents refuse to do what it takes to protect their children by refusing to comply with the prosecuting authorities, tells predators that it is okay to abuse our children. I definitely agree with her for I too am a parent. Not only am I a parent, but I care a lot for children and sexually exposing, seducing, or assaulting them is immoral and against the law.  

PresenceIconMs. Anderson

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Nuclear Power Plant in U.S.

The opinion section of the Houston Chronicle, the idea of issuing a stimulus for nuclear power plants in America focuses on the benefit of the implementation. Society screams constantly about global warming and going green. But when the issue of developing a nuclear power plant surfaces we tend to divert to a budget issue to reject the idea. Yes we are in a deficit. But using that as an excuse to alleviate spending for good sources is ridiculous. We tend to raise issues of health concerns and looking to government to find ways of improvement. Nuclear power is step one if we want to save our lungs from the mere depression of polluted air. Whether it is by going green on other aspects of our culture, or developing a plant that will allow for overall savings and prevention in the future, all of it cost money. Obama's plan to implement nuclear power plants is brilliant idea although very expensive to build but will prove to be very cheap to operate ending in more profitability than loss. Now we question safety. As opposed to previous operations safety has increased and the likelihood of individuals dying of nuclear power generation is less than that of natural gas.  The fuel produced can be reprocessed and allow for less waste thereby being reasonably affordable. Expensive?, maybe; but we should keep in mind that the use of the fuel source to create nuclear power is cheaper than that of oil for natural gas and it can produce more energy. If we keep screaming "go green" then we should also start screaming for support of nuclear power plants.

PresenceIconMs. Anderson